Disclaimer: These are my personal notes on this paper. I am in no way related to this paper. All credits go towards the authors.
Certified Defenses for Data Poisoning Attacks
June 1, 2017 -
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Tags: Data-Poisoning, Defense
Approximate a loss upper bound for data poisoning attacks that have the goal of maximizing loss. Assumes the defense uses outlier removal. Other assumptions are: (1) train and test are correlated and (2) outliers in the clean data do not have a strong effect on the model.
- They test using binary SVM models, but their method works on multi-class problems using any method
- Two different defense settings discussed:
- Fixed defense. There is an oracle that knows the exact distribution of Dc and can choose as feasible dataset from that knowledge (not implementable in practice)
- Data-dependent defense. The fixed feasible (F) dataset is dependent on Dc ∪ Dp. This type of defense opens up a game theory type of attack where the attacker messes with F instead of just the loss function
- The defense's goal is to minimize the loss function given in equation 1 (minimize the loss given the entire dataset intersected with the feasible set)
- They implemented two different methods of outlier removal (equation 2):
- Fsphere, where points beyond a radius are marked as outliers
- Fslab, where points too far from a line are marked as outliers
- They show that the optimal attack strategy is a max-min objective function (shown in equation 4).
- Equation 5 shows the equation for an optimal defense where all n points are at a single, maximized loss, point. This is essentially equation 4 with min-max instead of max-min
- Equation 8 shows when the poisoned points must follow a probability distribution πp as opposed to being concentrated at a single point.
- Results
- Oracle Defense
- Figure 2.c shows that their attack outperforms label flipping and gradient descent attacks, thus the defense holds for these sub-optimal attack methods.
- As soon as ε (the min-max weight towards Dp), the model chooses to fit the attack points
- The attacks generally like to tightly concentrate around a single point at the boundary of F (thus moving the centroid considerably)
- Data-Dependent Defense
- Figure 4 shows this defense. It performs roughly 10x worse than the oracle defense.
- The attacker can choose attacking locations that lie substantially outside the original (clean) feasible set (F)
- Main requirement for their framework requires l(θ, x, y) to be maximized over all feasible x and y.
- Reported a 11% reduction in test accuracy when the attacker is allowed 3% training set modifications.
Interesting References
- Lots, check related works section (section 6)
Good Quotes
- "..the most critical ingredient of all – the training data – comes directly from the outside world."
Citation: Steinhardt, Jacob, Pang Wei W. Koh, and Percy S. Liang. "Certified defenses for data poisoning attacks." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2017.