Security Tools - Nmap


  • -oA: Saves output in all three file types; grepable, XML, and script kiddie
  • -oG: Saves output in a grepable format
  • -oX: Saves output as an XML file
  • -oS: Saves output in a script kiddie format
  • -v: Verbose. Some output is nice to see the progress
  • -vv: Very verbose


  • -A: Aggresive scan. Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute
    • Same as -O -sV -sC --traceroute
  • -O: Operating system detection
  • -p <ports,>: Specify ports to scan
    • -p-: Scan every port
  • -Pn: Treat each host as active. Skip host discovery
  • -sS: TCP SYN scan (stealth scan). Quick scan. Does not complete the TCP connection
  • -sT: TCP connection scan
  • -sU: UDP scan
  • -sV: Service version scan


To use a script: --script <script name>. Here is a list of nmap scripts.

Useful scripts:

  • vulners: Check for known vulnerabilities


-T<N>: How aggressively (quickly) to scan. Ranges from 0 to 5.

  • 0: Paranoid. Waits 5 minutes between each probe
  • 1: Sneaky. Waits 15 seconds between probes
  • 2: Polite. Waits 0.4 seconds between probes
  • 3: Normal. Default. Includes parallelization
  • 4: Aggressive
  • 5: Insane

1 and 2 are useful to avoid IDS alerts.