Rust - Unsafe - Raw Pointers

Unsafe rust has two raw pointer types:

  • *const T
  • *mut T

Raw pointers:

  • Ignore borrowing rules
  • Do not guarantee the pointed to memory is valid
  • Can be null
  • No automatic clean-up
fn main() {
    let mut num = 4;

    // Raw pointers can be created in safe mode
    let rp1 = &num as *const i32; // *const i32 is the type
    let rp2 = &mut num as *mut i32; // *mut i32 is the type

    // Deallocating raw pointers can only be done in unsafe mode
    unsafe {
        //*rp1 = 10; // Does not work because *const
        println!("*rp1 = {}", *rp1);
        *rp2 = 12;
        println!("*rp2 = {}", *rp2);