Python - Documentation


I personally use the Google style python docstrings.


class Cat():
    '''Retains information about a particular cat and performs cat-like actions
        Cats are cute

        color (str): Color of cat
        legs (int): Number of legs a cat has

        color (str): color of cat
        count (int): Number of cats in existence
        legs (int): Number of legs a cat has
    count = 0

    def __init__(self, color, legs):
        self.color = color
        self.legs = legs
        self.count += 1

    def meow(self, times: int = 3):
        '''Cat meows "times" times
        A cat will meow "times" times in a row

            times (int): Number of times to meow

            str: The string "meow" repeated a number of times as given. Each 
                meow is separated by a space.

            ValueError: If 'times' is not a positive integer
        if times < 1 or type(times) is not int:
            raise ValueError('A cat must meow at least once!')
        meow = "meow " * times
        return meow

Documentation Generator

pdoc is an API documentation auto-generator. It can generate html documentation pages in a single line.

To install: pip3 install pdoc3

Usage: pdoc --html <File, Directory, or Package path>

  • To ignore errors: --skip-errors

The html files will be saved in html/


If you want to use a linter to find code that could be written better (and pull out your hair while doing so) pylint is for you! To make you feel extra bad, pylint even gives you a score out of 10!

To install: pip3 install pylint

Usage: pylint <Directory or File>