Loss: The neural network will try to minimize this value via the optimization algorithm. There are a large number of loss functions. Most notably (note, for keras, you can use a string instead of the tensorflow functions by snake-casing the function as a string):
Classification (Categorical) Data:
BinaryCrossentropy: Used when there are only two possible labels (0 and 1)
CategoricalCrossentropy: Used when there are two+ possible classes. Expects labels to be encoded via one-hot representation.
SparseCategoricalCrossentropy: Sibling to CategoricalCrossentropy. Expects an integer encoding instead of one-hot. Integers are distinct classes, similarity via closeness is not assumed.
Metrics: List of metrics to output during training and returned during fitting. ['accuracy'] is the most common metric
Loss Weights: If a list of losses is given as the lost function, you can specify how heavily waited each loss function is. For example [10, 1] would weight the first loss function 10 times heavier than the second loss function.
Verbose: 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar per epoch, 2 = one line output per epoch
Callbacks: List of callbacks. My documentation on callbacks can be found here.
Validation Split: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of training data to use for validation. Uses the ending % BEFORE shuffling.
Validation Data: Data to use for validation. Data should be in (x_val, y_val) format. Do not use with validation_split.
Class Weight: Dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to weight (float). Useful for unbalanced data (where there are more samples of one class than another)
Sample Weight: Weigh samples differently. 1D numpy array of sample size is expected.
Validation Frequency: How often, in terms of epochs, to validate the data.
Generator Specific Arguments:
Steps Per Epoch: Number of batches required to declare an epoch. Needed for generators. Same idea for validation_steps.
Max Queue Size: Number of samples to queue for a generator. Defaults to 10.
Workers: Number of workers used for generators. Defaults to 1.
Use Multiprocessing: Use process-based threading for generators.
Returns a History object that can be used for plotting.
Like fit, but without the training. Used to find the loss and metric values for the model.
Return Dict: Return the loss and metric results as a dictionary instead of a list. Key is the name of the metric. If False, a list (or single value) is returned.